*Contestants may be single, married, divorced, or widowed.
*Contestants shall be 16 years old and not more than 35 years old, as of the time of the contest, while the Obere Ada contestants shall be 10 years old and not more than 15 years old, as at the time of the contest.
*The Miss Adanma Pageant International’s official language is the English language. However, each contestant shall be encouraged to display their native language during the pageant.
*A contestant shall come from a background that would not bring disrepute to the pageant in any way.
*A contestant shall affirm that she has not posed or appeared for any nude photograph or video, before or during the pageant. This rule applies to the period of her reign as well.
*A contestant shall professionally conduct herself, during the period of the pageant.
*A good spirit of sportsmanship shall be expected of all contestants, at all times.
*All disreputable behaviors, before, during, or after the pageant may result in disqualification.
*Any contestant found making slanderous posts or remarks, on public forums, social networking sites, or any other public domain, shall be immediately disqualified and legal action shall be taken.
*Contestants shall not slander or libel other contestants, judges, pageant staff, or anyone else involved with or connected to the pageant.
*Defamation (verbal and/or written remarks) against the Miss Adanma Pageant International, will result in immediate disqualification and forfeiture of any/all prizes and awards won and may incur legal charges.