Miss Adanma Vision to empower girls/women and help them reach their full potential. Both in pageantry and in life.
We have significant experience within the pageant industry and making sure that all is not lost, let us tranfer some of the skills and knowledge to our young girls and women for a life changing upliftment.
Miss Adanma, ‘Daughter of Beauty’, aims to empower women across the world. We seek above all to use beauty to promote culture. (Beauty with a purpose); will encourage accomplishments. Build self-esteem among women through training. Build confidence and cultural awareness. Miss Adanma will guide you for leadership skills. Miss Adanma will encourage involvement in community service. We have positioned our crown for a purpose – to make a difference and to promote, honour, and respect the full beauty of women. (“The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul”)
You bring your beauty, we'll provide the training...
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